Task 1: Hercules go to Nemea and kill a huge lion there. Hercules can't kill the lion with his arrows or his sword, so he kills it with his hands, then he puts the lion's skin over his head and back, so when he wear that skin, no swords or arrows can kill him.
Task 2: Hercules and Iolaus have to kill the Hydra which lives in the lake of Lerna, to do that, Hercules has to cut its seven heads off while Iolaus burns the stumps inmediatly, or a new head would grow from the stump.
Task 3: Hercules has to find the godess Artemis's golden deer and bring it to palace. The deer runs faster than any arrow, so hercules has to run for a year and a day after the golden deer to chase it, once he catched it he goes to the palace with the deer, he puts it in front of the king, but before the king can take the deer, it rubs away.
Task 4: Hercules has to go into the mountains and catch a big wild boar and bring back alive.
Este é un proxecto do clube de lectura para a clase de inglés en 2º C. Participan Noa Costas, Germán del Olmo, David Dios, Yanira Domínguez, Adrián Fernández, Miguel Freiría, Miguel Gómez, Raúl López, Adolfo Milego, Eva Nicolás, Noelia Peláez, Sara rodal, Lucía Rodríguez, J. Carlos Salgueiro, Alejandro salgueiro, Attagaregui Santana, Estela Troncoso e Martín Vilas. Lemos un capítulo semanal, no que se narran os traballos de Hércules e escoitamos a narración, logo relaizamos exercicios de comprensión que nos axudan a facer un resumo do escoitado e lido.